Apply to show for 2025!

We are always welcoming submissions for the year ahead. We usually contact people in the fall months as we are putting the calendar together. If we are interested, we will contact you via email. Unfortunately, it’s a small staff of volunteers donating our time to creating the programing for the year ahead while working our day-time jobs. We do not have a non-profit status, so our rent and time commitment is solely energized by our love for the arts and the love for our community Lincoln, NE.

Anyone is welcome to submit to become apart of the pool of artist selected for the Tugboat Gallery programing. Our selection process happens usually after August as the year is coming to a close. We do not look for any particular genre of work but we do ask the artists to do us the favor and consider the following when submitting their work to Tugboat Gallery.

1 PDF including:

Contact info including NAME, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER, WEBSITE and/or SOCIAL MEDIA (Optional)

Image List which includes TITLE, YEAR, MEDIUM,

• Artist statement

• Website (optional)

3-5 images (jpg, 3 MB max each)

Submit here!